
Whiskey for Everybody - Gary Jules




Gary Jules被认为是90年代末崛起的最值得关注的创作人之一,甚至将他和PaulSimon、James Taylor、Cat Stevens和Nick Drake等人相提并论。他的风格是典型的Soft rock,跟Paul Simon一样,擅长发掘人们情感的细枝末节,不激亢不冲动,嗓音很柔和,有着岁月沉淀的深度和味道。


From the other feilds, East of Dublin looks just like a watercolour.
从别处望都柏林东 如一幅水彩
When the streets arrise upto meet the plain, nobody notices.
街道远接平原 渺无人迹
And I miss your face more than anything in the world.
我思念你的脸庞 远胜其他之物
And I miss your face more than anything in the world.
我思念你的脸庞 远胜其他之物
Whiskey for everybody,
to us and to all left behind.
赠与我们 和我们身后的人

Beautiful morning, you've got some place to be.
美丽的早晨 你想去某个地方
So if you have to go, be sure to think of me.
当你动身 要想起我
'Cus I miss your face more than anything in the world.
我思念你的脸庞 远胜其他之物
And I miss your face more than anything in the world.
我思念你的脸庞 远胜其他之物
Whiskey for everybody, whisper the words before you're out the door again.
威士忌赠与每一个人 在你出门前叮嘱一遍
I believe that your were right.
The seas are full and stars are falling.
海浪涌起 星辰坠落
I believe that you were right,
we, we were so young, when we left home.
我们离开家的时候 是那么年轻气盛
From the feilds to the air, over Dublin looks just like a watercolour.
往天空望 都柏林的上空如一幅水彩
And even in empty arms, I feel the weight of you.
即使手中什么也没有 我仍能感受你的分量

I miss your face more than anything in the world.
我思念你的脸庞 远胜其他之物
I miss your face more than anything.
我思念你的脸庞 远胜其他之物
Whiskey for everybody,
To us and to all we left behind when we left home.
赠与我们 和自从我们离家后我们身后的每一个人

